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Set of five alchemical books for sale

Price: $58 plus shipping. USA only. No international shipping. Paypal, checks and money orders.

All these books are in excellent condition. No flaws. Almost as new.


alchemy books for sale


The Tantric Alchemist, Thomas Vaugan and the Indian Tantric Tradition, by Peter levenda,376 pages, Hardback.

The Tantric Alchemist is a work on alchemy as decoded by Tantra and a work on Tantra as understood by alchemists. It uncovers works by Thomas Vaughan and suggests how he and his wife, a 17th century Welsh couple unique in the history of western alchemy, met their fate when dealing with forces they knew only too well, but which were stronger than their ability to control them.

Using the works of Vaughan as his text, Levenda applies the "twilight language" of Tantra to the surreal prose of the alchemist and in the process lays bare the lineaments of the arcane tradition that gave rise to the legend of Christian Rosenkreutz, the reputed founder of Rosicrucianism who learned his art in the East; and to the 19th and 20th century occult movements lead by such luminaries as P.B. Randolph, Theodore Reuss, Helena Blavatsky, and Aleister Crowley who also sought (and discovered) this technology in the religions and cultures of Asia.

Readers will find that the many disparate threads of an authentic spiritual tradition are woven together here in a startling tapestry that reveals, without pretense or euphemism, the psycho-sexual technique that is at the root of both Tantra and alchemy: that is to say, of both Asian and European forms of esoteric praxis.


Doctor Robert Fludd, the English Rosicrucian, Life and Writings, by J. R. Craven, 260 pages, Hardback. (Reprint)

Robert Fludd, also known as Robertus de Fluctibus (1574 – 1637) was a prominent English Paracelsian physician with both scientific and occult interests. He is remembered as an astrologer, mathematician, cosmologist, Qabalist and Rosicrucian.

Fludd is best known for his compilations in occult philosophy. He had a celebrated exchange of views with Johannes Kepler concerning the scientific and hermetic approaches to knowledge.


The Hermetic Tradition, Symbols and Teachings of the Royal Art, by Julius Evola, 220 pages.

This important survey of alchemical symbols and doctrines sets forth the mysterious worldview and teachings of the practitioners of the "royal art." One of the leading exponents of the Hermetic tradition, Julius Evola demonstrates the singularity of subject matter that lies behind the words of all adepts in all ages, showing how alchemy, often misunderstood as primitive chemistry or a mere template for the Jungian process of "individuation", is nothing less than a universal secret science of human and natural transformation. Draws from a host of sources in the Western esoteric tradition, works on theurgy, magic, and gnosticism from neoplatonic, Arab, and medieval sources.


The Corpus Hermeticum: Initiation into Hermetics, the Hermetica of Hermes Trismegistus, by G. R. S. Mead, 92 pages.

A collection of Greek writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistos, dating from some time before the close of the second century AD, Corpus Hermeticum forms the core of the Hermetic tradition, and was one of the main influences on and motivational factors for the Renaissance. This edition is based upon the classic translation by GRS Mead, lightly updated into more contemporary English to make the writings more accessible, however, with every effort made to leave Mead's masterful grammatical style intact. This is one of the world's greatest religio-philosophical and spiritual texts. It speaks directly to the human spirit and is the antithesis of an exoteric work, but rather one that aims to promote personal Gnosis. For these reasons, this edition resists the temptation to impose further interpretation or commentary upon the reader.


Remarks upon Alchemy and the Alchemists, Indicating a Method of Discovering the True Nature of Hermetic Philosophy, by Ethan Allen Hitchcock, 304 pages. (reprint)

Remarks Upon Alchemy and the Alchemists is a critical examination of the history and practice of alchemy. The author provides a comprehensive overview of the origins of alchemy, its development over time, and the key figures who contributed to its advancement. Hitchcock also delves into the philosophical and spiritual aspects of alchemy, discussing the various theories and beliefs that underpin this ancient practice.

Throughout the book, Hitchcock offers his own analysis and commentary on the subject matter, drawing on his extensive knowledge of science, philosophy, and history. He addresses common misconceptions about alchemy and its practitioners, and provides a nuanced perspective on the role that alchemy has played in human history and culture.

The book is divided into several chapters, each of which focuses on a different aspect of alchemy. Hitchcock begins by discussing the origins of alchemy in ancient Egypt and Greece, and then moves on to explore its development in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. He also examines the role that alchemy played in the scientific revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries, and the impact that it had on the development of modern chemistry.

Overall, Remarks Upon Alchemy and the Alchemists is a fascinating and informative book that provides a unique perspective on the history and practice of alchemy. It is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of science, philosophy, and spirituality.1857. This work includes remarks upon alchemy and the alchemists, indicating a method of discovering the true nature of Hermetic philosophy; and showing that the search after the philosopher's stone had not for its object the discovery of an agent for the transmutation of metals. Being also an attempt to rescue from the undeserved opprobrium the reputation of a class of extraordinary thinkers in past ages.